About 30 results for ‘Astronomer’
An astronomer is a scientist who studies celestial bodies such as planets, stars and galaxies. Historically, astronomy was more concerned with the classification and description of phenomena in the sky, while astrophysics attempted to explain these phenomena and the differences between them using physical laws. Today, that distinction has mostly disappeared and the terms "astronomer" and "astrophysicist" are interchangeable. Professional astronomers are highly educated individuals who typically have a PhD in physics or astronomy and are employed by research institutions or universities. They spend the majority of their time working on research, although they quite often have other duties such as teaching, building instruments, or aiding in the operation of an observatory. The number of professional astronomers in the United States is actually quite small. The American Astronomical Society, which is the major organization of professional astronomers in North America, has approximately 7,700 members. This number includes scientists from other fields such as physics, geology, and engineering, whose research interests are closely related to astronomy. The International Astronomical Union comprises almost 10,145 members from 70 different countries who are involved in astronomical research at the PhD level and beyond. While the number of professional astronomers worldwide is not much larger than the population of a small town, there is a huge community of amateur astronomers. Most cities have amateur astronomy clubs that meet on a regular basis and often host star parties in their communities. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is the largest general astronomical society in the world, comprising both professional and amateur astronomers as well as educators from 70 different nations. Like any hobby, most people who think of themselves as amateur astronomers may devote a few hours a month to stargazing and reading the latest developments in research. However, amateurs span the range from so-called "armchair astronomers" to the very ambitious, who own science-grade telescopes and instruments with which they are able to make their own discoveries and assist professional astronomers in research.
- Artist(s):
- Jean-Jacques Henner
Jules Janssen
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Physicist
- Portrait
- Date:
- 19th century
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Mathematician
- Physicist
- Portrait
- Date:
- 19th century
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Portrait
- Date:
- 17th century
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Order (honour)
- Portrait
- Date:
- 19th century
FRANCOIS ARAGO (1786-1853)
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- François Arago
- Man
- Portrait
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Jean-Jacques Henner
JULES JANSSEN (1824-1907)
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Physicist
- Portrait
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Francesco Boschi
GALILEE (1564-1642)
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Galileo Galilei
- Man
- Mathematician
- Physicist
- Portrait
- Date:
- 17th century
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Measuring instrument
- Portrait
- Date:
- 16th century
Galilée expliquant ses découvertes devant la Seigneurie d...
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Clock
- Galileo Galilei
- Italians
- Man
- Painting
- …
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Jean-Jacques Henner
Jules Janssen
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Beard
- Man
- Physicist
- Portrait
- Date:
- 19th century
Scènes diverses (titre factice)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Portrayed subject:
- Astrolabe
- Astronomer
- Blindness
- Dog
- Man
- Mutilation
- …
- Date:
- 19th century
L'ASTRONOME SURPRIS (titre inscrit)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Hat
- Leaf
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Joseph Ducreux
Portrait en buste de Joseph-Jérôme Lefrançois de Lalande,...
- Field(s):
- Drawing
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Portrait
- Date:
- 19th century
Etudes pour un homme allongé, usant d'un compas sur un livre
- Field(s):
- Drawing
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Book
- Compass (drafting)
- Foot
- Man
- Date:
- 16th century
- 17th century
Etude de la géographie et de l'astronomie
- Field(s):
- Drawing
- Portrayed subject:
- Allegory
- Astronomer
- Astronomy
- Endymion (mythology)
- Geography
- Man
- Date:
- 16th century
- Artist(s):
- Luca Giordano
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Astronomy
- Man
- Sphere
- Date:
- 17th century
- Artist(s):
- Jean-Jacques Caffieri
Le chanoine Pingré, Alexandre-Gui Pingré (Paris, 1711-Par...
- Field(s):
- Sculpture
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Canon (priest)
- Man
- Portrait
- Date:
- 18th century
- Artist(s):
- Polidoro da Caravaggio
Un astronome tenant un livre et le globe
- Field(s):
- Drawing
- Portrayed subject:
- Armillary sphere
- Astronomer
- Book
- Man
- Date:
- 16th century
Jérôme Lalande (1732 - 1807), astronome bressan
- Field(s):
- Sculpture
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Portrait
- Date:
- 19th century
Médaillon à Lalande
- Field(s):
- Sculpture
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Portrait
- Date:
- 18th century
- Artist(s):
- Jean-Antoine Houdon
Jérôme Lalande
- Field(s):
- Sculpture
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Portrait
- Date:
- 18th century
Portrait de Pierre Gassendi
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Mathematician
- Physicist
- Portrait
- Date:
- 18th century
Portrait de Pierre Gassendi
- Portrayed subject:
- Astronomer
- Man
- Mathematician
- Physicist
- Portrait
- Date:
- 18th century
- Artist(s):
- Gonzales Coques
L'astronome et sa femme
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Armillary sphere
- Astrolabe
- Astronomer
- Carpet
- Man
- Table (furniture)
- Date:
- 17th century