About 10 results for ‘Polyhymnia’
Polyhymnia, was in Greek mythology the Muse of sacred poetry, sacred hymn and eloquence as well as agriculture and pantomime. She is depicted as very serious, pensive and meditative, and often holding a finger to her mouth, dressed in a long cloak and veil and resting her elbow on a pillar. Polyhymnia is also sometimes accredited as being the Muse of geometry and meditation. In Bibliotheca historica, Diodorus Siculus wrote, "Polyhymnia, because by her great (polle) praises (humnesis) she brings distinction to writers whose works have won for them immortal fame...".
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Deciduous
- Double bass
- Erato
- Melpomene
- Music
- Polyhymnia
- Date:
- 17th century
- Artist(s):
- Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Polymnie (Debout, drapée, le coude droit sur sa main gauche)
- Field(s):
- Drawing
- Portrayed subject:
- Dress
- Polyhymnia
- Woman
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Une femme (Tournée vers la gauche, mais la tête vers la d...
- Field(s):
- Drawing
- Portrayed subject:
- Dress
- Polyhymnia
- Woman
- Date:
- 19th century