About 490 results for ‘Basket weaving’
Basket weaving
For the prehistoric Basketmaker culture, see Basketmaker culture. Basket weaving (also basketry, basket making, or basketmaking) is the process of weaving unspun vegetable fibres into a basket or other similar form. People and artists who weave baskets are called basketmakers and basket weavers. Basketry is made from a variety of fibrous or pliable materials•anything that will bend and form a shape. Examples include pine straw, stems, animal hair, hide, grasses, thread, and wood. The indigenous peoples and the native and aboriginal tribes are renowned for their basket-weaving techniques. These baskets may then be traded for goods but may also be used for religious ceremonies.
Scène de toilette
- Field(s):
- Archaeology
- Belief
- Gallo-Roman culture
- Sculpture
- Portrayed subject:
- Basket weaving
- Fauteuil
- Overcoat
- Salix viminalis
- Shoe
- Tunic
- Date:
- 3rd century
Stèle d'une femme assise dans son fauteuil
- Field(s):
- Archaeology
- Belief
- Gallo-Roman culture
- Sculpture
- Portrayed subject:
- Basket weaving
- Dog
- Fauteuil
- Overcoat
- Salix viminalis
- Vase
- Date:
- 3rd century
- Field(s):
- Agriculture
- Basket weaving
- Ethnology
- Designation:
- panier
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Portrayed subject:
- Basket weaving
- Bogeyman
- Bonnet (headgear)
- Child
- Gluttony
- Kidnapping
- …
- Date:
- 19th century
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Portrayed subject:
- Basket weaving
- Charcuterie
- Chimney
- Clothing
- Fire
- Gridiron (cooking)
- …
- Date:
- 19th century
IL EMBRASSE SA MERE... (titre inscrit)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Portrayed subject:
- Agribusiness
- Basket weaving
- Boat
- Butter
- Child
- Chimney
- …
- Date:
- 19th century
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Portrayed subject:
- Angel
- Basket weaving
- Book
- Carpet
- Crucifix
- Mary Magdalene
- …
- Date:
- 18th century
- 19th century
Almanach de cabinet avec petites vignettes représentant d...
- Portrayed subject:
- Barrel
- Basket weaving
- Bellows
- Chemistry
- Clock
- Distillation
- …
- Date:
- 19th century
ALMANACH DE CABINET (titre inscrit)
- Portrayed subject:
- Allegory
- Autumn
- Basket weaving
- Ceres (mythology)
- Flower
- Grape
- …
- Date:
- 19th century
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Belief
- Costume
- Entertainment
- Ethnology
- Designation:
- masque
- Date:
- 19th century
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Ethnology
- Designation:
- plateau
- Portrayed subject:
- Flower
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Ethnology
- Designation:
- panier
- Portrayed subject:
- Flower
- Flower bouquet
- Spiral
- Date:
- 20th century
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Ethnology
- Designation:
- panier à linge
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Costume
- Ethnology
- Oceania
- Designation:
- ceinture
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Ethnology
- Oceania
- Designation:
- panier
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Ethnology
- Oceania
- Designation:
- panier
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Ethnology
- Oceania
- Designation:
- sac
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Ethnology
- Oceania
- Designation:
- sac
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Costume
- Ethnology
- Oceania
- Designation:
- canotier
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Costume
- Ethnology
- Oceania
- Designation:
- canotier
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Costume
- Ethnology
- Oceania
- Designation:
- éventail
- Portrayed subject:
- Flower
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Costume
- Ethnology
- Oceania
- Designation:
- éventail
- Field(s):
- Basket weaving
- Costume
- Ethnology
- Oceania
- Designation:
- éventail
- Field(s):
- Africa
- Basket weaving
- Costume
- Ethnology
- Designation:
- éventail
- Field(s):
- Africa
- Basket weaving
- Costume
- Ethnology
- Designation:
- éventail