About 10 results for ‘Antoninus Pius’
Antoninus Pius
Antoninus Pius (Latin: Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius; 19 September 86 – 7 March 161), also known as Antoninus, was Roman Emperor from 138 to 161. He was a member of the Nerva-Antonine dynasty and the Aurelii. He did not possess the sobriquet "Pius" until after his accession to the throne. Almost certainly, he earned the name "Pius" because he compelled the Senate to deify his adoptive father Hadrian; the Historia Augusta, however, suggests that he may have earned the name by saving senators sentenced to death by Hadrian in his later years.
Sesterce d'Antonin
- Field(s):
- Ancient Rome
- Archaeology
- Numismatics
- Portrayed subject:
- Antoninus Pius
- Roman emperor
- Field(s):
- Numismatics
- Designation:
- sesterce (coh 581)
- Portrayed subject:
- Antoninus Pius
- Column
- Crown (headgear)
- Emperor
- Portrait
- Sceptre
- Date:
- 2nd century
- Field(s):
- Archaeology
- Gallo-Roman culture
- Numismatics
- Designation:
- dupondius
- Portrayed subject:
- Allegory
- Antoninus Pius
- Crown (headgear)
- Divine providence
- Sceptre
- Date:
- 2nd century
- Field(s):
- Archaeology
- Gallo-Roman culture
- Numismatics
- Designation:
- as
- Portrayed subject:
- Allegory
- Antoninus Pius
- Cornucopia
- Crown (headgear)
- Ear (botany)
- Date:
- 2nd century
- Field(s):
- Archaeology
- Gallo-Roman culture
- Numismatics
- Designation:
- sesterce
- Portrayed subject:
- Allegory
- Antoninus Pius
- Nonviolence
- Portrait
- Date:
- 2nd century
- Roman Empire
- Field(s):
- Archaeology
- Gallo-Roman culture
- Numismatics
- Designation:
- dupondius
- Portrayed subject:
- Antoninus Pius
- Crown (headgear)
- Portrait
- Field(s):
- Archaeology
- Gallo-Roman culture
- Numismatics
- Designation:
- sesterce
- Portrayed subject:
- Antoninus Pius
- Portrait
- Date:
- 2nd century
- Roman Empire
Monnaie romaine ; Thermes des Châteliers de Frémur
- Field(s):
- Drawing
- Portrayed subject:
- Ancient history
- Antoninus Pius
- Archaeology
- Emperor
- Marcus Aurelius
- Money
- Date:
- 19th century
- Field(s):
- Ancient Rome
- Archaeology
- Numismatics
- Designation:
- nummus
- Portrayed subject:
- Allegory
- Antoninus Pius
- Cuirass
- Portrait
- Sun
- Date:
- 4th century
- Roman Empire
Planches de l'iconographie romaine (pl 39) : Empereurs, C...
- Field(s):
- Ancient Rome
- Archaeology
- Numismatics
- Portrayed subject:
- Ancient Rome
- Antoninus Pius
- Man
- Money
- Portrait
- Date:
- 19th century
Planches de l'iconographie romaine (pl 40) : Empereurs, C...
- Field(s):
- Ancient Rome
- Archaeology
- Numismatics
- Portrayed subject:
- Ancient Rome
- Antoninus Pius
- Man
- Money
- Portrait
- Date:
- 19th century
- Field(s):
- Ancient Rome
- Numismatics
- Designation:
- antoninien
- Portrayed subject:
- Altar
- Antoninus Pius
- Portrait