About 110 results for ‘Resin extraction’
Resin extraction
Resin extraction consists of incising the outer layers of a pine tree in order to collect the sap or resin.
ALMANACH des Postes et des Télégraphes / Récolte de la Ré...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Portrayed subject:
- Forest
- Man
- Pine
- Resin extraction
- Woman
- Date:
- 20th century
Etudes pour un gemmeur dans la fresque du Pin des Landes
- Field(s):
- Drawing
- Portrayed subject:
- Man
- Pine
- Resin extraction
- Upper limb
- Date:
- 20th century
Etudes pour le second gemmeur dans la fresque du Pin des ...
- Field(s):
- Drawing
- Portrayed subject:
- Hand
- Man
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
Etudes d'outils de gemmage pour le Pin des Landes
- Field(s):
- Drawing
- Portrayed subject:
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
église (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- House
- Landscape
- Lüe
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
église (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Lüe
- Resin extraction
- Village
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
La Bruze (avec Camille) - Commensacq (Landes) (Titre attr...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Forest
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
La Bruze (avec Camille) - Commensacq (Landes) (Titre attr...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Forest
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Trail
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Pins - Bruze (Commensacq) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Forest
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Pins gemmés de mi-hauteur - Sanglourous (Commensacq) (Tit...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Grands pins gemmés - Guidenson (Commensacq) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Grands pins gemmés - Guidenson (Commensacq) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Forest
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Trail
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Pins gemmés - Guidenson (Commensacq) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Forest
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Ancien gué des Goulhs - Goulh (Commensacq) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Sègue Pouchiou - Commensacq (Landes) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Sègue Pouchiou - Commensacq (Landes) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
La Cabane - Commensacq (Landes) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Landscape
- Log cabin
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Deux vieux pins - Pichourrents (Commensacq) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Commensacq
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
chemin vert du Bouchon - Le Bouchon (Labouheyre) (Titre a...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Trail
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
chemin vert du Bouchon - Le Bouchon (Labouheyre) (Titre a...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Trail
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
chemin vert du Bouchon - Le Bouchon (Labouheyre) (Titre a...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Trail
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
chemin vert du Bouchon - Le Bouchon (Labouheyre) (Titre a...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Trail
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
"Lous Pins dou Journ dous morts" - Le Bouchon (Labouheyre...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Ancien campot des Liones et "Lous Pins dou journ dous mor...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Pins Maur Bacon - Labouheyre (Landes) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Pins Maur Bacon - Labouheyre (Landes) (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Grands pins (Titre attribué)
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- House
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Ancienne "gourgue" - La Mouloque (Labouheyre) (Titre attr...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century
- Artist(s):
- Félix Arnaudin
Ancienne "gourgue" - La Mouloque (Labouheyre) (Titre attr...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Forest
- Labouheyre
- Landscape
- Resin extraction
- Date:
- 20th century