About 8 results for ‘Xenophon’
Xenophon, son of Gryllus, of the deme Erchia of Athens, also known as Xenophon of Athens, was a Greek historian, soldier, mercenary, philosopher and a contemporary and admirer of Socrates. He is known for his writings on the history of his own times, the 4th century BC, preserving the sayings of Socrates, and descriptions of life in ancient Greece and the Persian Empire.
- Artist(s):
- Jacques Gamelin
Le départ d'Abradate pour le combat
- Portrayed subject:
- Pain
- Serviceman
- Woman
- Date:
- 18th century
- Artist(s):
- Raphael
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Aeschines
- Alcibiades
- Aristotle
- Averroes
- Compass (drafting)
- Diogenes of Sinope
- …
- Date:
- 17th century
- 18th century
ALPHABET MILITAIRE. / N°2. (titre inscrit, français, alle...
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Portrayed subject:
- Ancient Greece
- Drum
- Firefighter
- French people
- Greece
- Napoleon
- …
- Date:
- 19th century
Aspasie s'entretenant avec les hommes les plus illustres ...
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Alcibiades
- Ancient history
- Aspasia
- Athens
- Column
- Euripides
- …
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Raphael
L'Ecole d'Athènes
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Aeschines
- Alcibiades
- Apollo
- Aristotle
- Aristoxenus
- Athena
- …
- Date:
- 18th century
- Artist(s):
- Raphael
L'école d'Athènes
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Aeschines
- Alcibiades
- Apollo
- Aristotle
- Aristoxenus
- Athena
- …
- Date:
- 15th century
- 16th century
- Artist(s):
- François-Louis Français
Episode de la retraite des dix mille
- Portrayed subject:
- Ambush
- Ancient history
- Artaxerxes II of Persia
- Cavalry
- Cyrus the Younger
- Greeks
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Raphael
L'Ecole d'Athènes
- Portrayed subject:
- Aeschines
- Alcibiades
- Apollo
- Aristotle
- Aristoxenus
- Athena
- …
- Date:
- 17th century