About 40 results for ‘Lower Normandy’
Lower Normandy
Lower Normandy is an administrative region of France. It was created in 1956, when the Normandy region was divided into Lower Normandy and Upper Normandy. The region includes three departments, Calvados, Manche and Orne, that cover the part of Normandy traditionally termed "Lower Normandy" lying west of the Dives River, the Pays d'Auge (except a small part remaining in Upper Normandy), a small part of the Pays d'Ouche (the main part remaining in Upper Normandy), the Norman Perche and part of the "French" Perche. It covers 10,857 km, 3.2 percent of the surface area of France. The traditional districts of Lower Normandy include the Cotentin Peninsula and La Hague, the Campagne de Caen, the Norman Bocage, the Bessin and the Avranchin.
- Designation:
- collier
- Date:
- 19th century
Coup de vent sur les bords de la Manche
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Dairy cattle
- Deciduous
- Lower Normandy
- Sky
- Storm
- Watercourse
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Eugène Boudin
Marché de Trouville (étude)
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Landscape
- Trouville-sur-Mer
- Date:
- 19th century
- Artist(s):
- Eugène Boudin
Scène de marché ; Esquisse. Charrette attelée d'un cheval...
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Cart
- Horse
- Market
- Trouville-sur-Mer
- Date:
- 19th century
Plage de Villerville
- Field(s):
- Painting
- Portrayed subject:
- Beach
- Landscape
- Sea
- Villerville
- Date:
- 19th century
Machine gros plan, 15h ; Le pont tournant de Dieppe
- Field(s):
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Bridge
- Dieppe, Seine-Maritime
- Landscape
- Machine
- Date:
- 21st century
Lumière du soir sur vitre, 17h ; Le pont tournant de Dieppe
- Field(s):
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Bridge
- Dieppe, Seine-Maritime
- Landscape
- Date:
- 21st century
Le pavage mouillé, 17h ; Le pont tournant de Dieppe
- Field(s):
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Bridge
- Crane (machine)
- Dieppe, Seine-Maritime
- Landscape
- Port (disambiguation)
- Street
- Date:
- 21st century
Pont en contre-jour, 11h ; Le pont tournant de Dieppe
- Field(s):
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Bridge
- Dieppe, Seine-Maritime
- Landscape
- Port (disambiguation)
- Date:
- 21st century
Port, 16h ; Le pont tournant de Dieppe
- Field(s):
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Bridge
- Dieppe, Seine-Maritime
- Island
- Landscape
- Port (disambiguation)
- Street
- Date:
- 21st century
Les pontiers, 16h ; Le pont tournant de Dieppe
- Field(s):
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Bridge
- Dieppe, Seine-Maritime
- Laborer
- Landscape
- Man
- Date:
- 21st century
Le pont vu de face, 11h ; Le pont tournant de Dieppe
- Field(s):
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Bridge
- Dieppe, Seine-Maritime
- Landscape
- Date:
- 21st century
Le pont avec passerelle, 16h ; Le pont tournant de Dieppe
- Field(s):
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Bridge
- Dieppe, Seine-Maritime
- Landscape
- Port (disambiguation)
- Date:
- 21st century
Les trois lumières, 12h ; Le pont tournant de Dieppe
- Field(s):
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Bridge
- Dieppe, Seine-Maritime
- Landscape
- Port (disambiguation)
- Date:
- 21st century
Pont vu de loin, 15h ; Le pont tournant de Dieppe
- Field(s):
- Photography
- Portrayed subject:
- Bridge
- Dieppe, Seine-Maritime
- Landscape
- Port (disambiguation)
- Date:
- 21st century
- Field(s):
- Medicine
- Designation:
- crachoir
- Date:
- 19th century
Le Panurge
- Field(s):
- Ivory
- Marine (ocean)
- Sculpture
- Portrayed subject:
- Dragon
- Saint George
- Date:
- 19th century
- Field(s):
- Ceramic
- Designation:
- coupe (ovale)
- Portrayed subject:
- Foot washing
- Date:
- 17th century
- Field(s):
- Ceramic
- Designation:
- coupe (ovale)
- Portrayed subject:
- Lightning
- Littoral zone
- Newt
- Date:
- 17th century
- Field(s):
- Ceramic
- Designation:
- coupe (ovale)
- Portrayed subject:
- Autumn
- Grape
- Harvest (wine)
- Man
- Symbol
- Date:
- 17th century
- Field(s):
- Ceramic
- Designation:
- plat à barbe
- Date:
- 18th century
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Designation:
- chaufferette
- Field(s):
- Ethnology
- Designation:
- serpe à pain
- Date:
- 20th century
- Designation:
- sabot (paire)
- Date:
- 20th century