About 40 results for ‘Louis Quinze’
Louis Quinze
The Louis XV style or Louis Quinze was a French Rococo style in the decorative arts, and, to a lesser degree, architecture. Datable to the personal reign of Louis XV (1723–1774), the style was characterised by supreme craftsmanship and the integration of the arts of cabinetmaking, painting, and sculpture.
- Designation:
- chaussure de femme (2)
- Portrayed subject:
- Flower
- Date:
- Louis Quinze
- Field(s):
- Furniture
- Designation:
- fauteuil | fauteuil à la reine
- Date:
- 18th century
- Louis Quinze
- Designation:
- buffet bas | manka ; dit buffet aux oiseaux
- Date:
- Louis Quinze
- Designation:
- bénitier (d'applique)
- Date:
- 19th century
- Louis Quinze
Jeune femme cueillant une grappe de raisin (titre factice)
Jeune femme jouant avec un oiseau (titre factice)
- Field(s):
- Ceramic
- Portrayed subject:
- Bird
- Cage (enclosure)
- Petal
- Reed (plant)
- Salix viminalis
- Volute
Jeune femme jouant avec un oiseau (titre factice)
- Field(s):
- Ceramic
- Portrayed subject:
- Bird
- Cage (enclosure)
- Petal
- Reed (plant)
- Salix viminalis
- Volute
- Field(s):
- Ceramic
- Designation:
- assiette (ronde, polylobée)
- Date:
- 18th century
- Louis Quinze